Category Archives: announcements

Birthday Sale!

June 12 is my birthday, so let’s celebrate. I’m turning 45 (apparently), so on June 12 all Dungeon Age games and adventures will be $0.45. Yes, forty-five cents. Yes, all of them. But only on June 12. You know why.

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Merry Mushmen Kickstarter

Once again I am privileged to be working alongside the talented team of the Merry Mushmen to bring you not one but TWO remastered adventures. The first is The Horrendous Hounds of Hendenburgh by my new friend Liam Pádraig Ó … Continue reading

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Tomb of the Blood Baron

Hey, I wrote a tiny tomb, and it’s Pay What You Want! So a few weeks ago I was going to run a game for my friend’s kids and I didn’t feel like writing new content. So I asked my … Continue reading

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Carcassay: Now in physical form!

It took too long because I was being an obsessive perfectionist, but now it is here: Carcassay: Titan Rat City is a Lankhmar-esque (does that reference still work for most people?) city adventure full of bizarre factions and with built-in … Continue reading

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Wicked Little Delves: Update

This weekend I upgraded the covers and downgraded the prices (to $2.50) for the three volumes of Wicked Little Delves: I’m still very pleased with how these collections of one-shots turned out, although maybe I should have made them into … Continue reading

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Dead in the Water: A new maritime TTRPG!

I’d like to take a little break from talking about Carcassay (currently 20% off!) to talk about the Mark-of-the-Odd game that I’m writing now where you play as the crew of a somewhat piratical ship, upon a cursed sea, exploring … Continue reading

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Welcome to Carcassay

Welcome to the strange and dangerous city of Carcassay, huddled below the skeleton of a titan rat, sprawling above the ruins of countless dead civilizations. This is where folk come to find wealth, power, revenge, secrets, oblivion… and everything in … Continue reading

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Wicked Little Delves, vol 3

Now on DriveThruRPG: These are three one-shot dungeon delves. Each delve features nine rooms or locations full of challenges and interactivity (for a total of 27). Each delve has only one type of monster, but they are complex, and there … Continue reading

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Now on Kickstarter: Nightmare over Ragged Hollow

A year ago, I was approached by the extremely talented publishing team The Merry Mushmen (Olivier Revenu and Eric Nieudan, of KNOCK! reknown) about creating a prestige remastered edition of one of my adventures. So naturally, I said yes. And … Continue reading

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Wicked Little Delves, vol 1

Now on DriveThruRPG: These are three one-shot dungeon delves. Each delve features nine rooms or locations full of challenges and interactivity (for a total of 27). Each delve has only one type of monster, but they are complex, and there … Continue reading

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