Author Archives: Joseph

RPG Confessions: Over-powered treasure

So. I don’t believe in over-powered, “game-breaking” treasure. There is no such thing. Some folks express concern when an adventure has certain types of magic items. For example, magic armor that makes the wearer immune to fire… at Level 1. … Continue reading

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Dungeon Age Bundle of Holding!

UPDATE: This event has ended. The good folks at Bundle of Holding are currently offering ten (10) adventures from Dungeon Age for just $14.95 (that’s 75% off the regular price if you bought them individually). The bundle includes ALL of … Continue reading

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New solo RPG: Reavers and Rogues!

Hey, remember that solo game I was playtesting over and over? Well, it’s here! In Reavers and Rogues, you become a classic sword-and-sorcery pulp adventurer. This solo game allows you to create a unique character and play out the story beats … Continue reading

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New novella: Lawless Rogues

I still write stories! Lawless Rogues (Amazon | DriveThruFiction) is a novella containing six short stories about, well, you’ll see below the cover… The ancient world of Harth withers beneath a dying sun…but it’s not dead yet. In the foul … Continue reading

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Solo RPG Playtest #98-100

Seriously, there have been so, so many playtests. But I think we’re there. #98 – Enfys Meet Enfys, a herder trained by a hunter, armed with an axe! In the tavern she heard of the Lapis Scarab, and strode out … Continue reading

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Solo RPG Playtest #9-10

We are getting very close to a finished product here folks! #9 Valient Vieno Meet Vieno, a farmer trained by a traveling musician, afflicted by a fatal illness. He heard tell of the White Book of the Gently Healing Hand, … Continue reading

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Solo RPG Playtest #7-8

I added in a mechanic to negotiate with a foe (and possibly recruit them) and to sneak past a foe to avoid any confrontation. #7 Victorious Vanja Meet Vanja, a farmer trained by a beggar, equipped with old knives and … Continue reading

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Solo RPG Playtests #4-6

Several more summaries… #4 Doomed Thief Meet Beren, daughter of murdered merchants and trained by a thief. At the tavern she heard tell of the Fabulous Ruby Nose of Nojj Dol Min, and charmed her way out of the bar … Continue reading

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Solo RPG Playtest #3

Tonight’s test only took about 20 minutes and showed me a few gaps in the system, and an imbalance in combat. Perfect Hunter Meet Hadyn, daughter of fishers and trained by a hunter in the way of the bow. At … Continue reading

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Solo RPG Playtest #2

After refining a few tables and adding an encounter, I ran a new adventure with the Solo RPG. Again, it played for about 30 minutes, and conjured up a lot of exciting imagery for me. Soldier of Fortune Meet Jothi, … Continue reading

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