Author Archives: Joe

Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #9

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes journeyed north, defeated a tentacle monster, met with the fabled Oracle, and received visions of their future and places of power… Play time: 4 hours Heroes: Rough Morning Rainen dreamed of a wounded tiger … Continue reading

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Homebrew Monster: Solar Zombie

Introduction Ever since first reading Dune (long, long ago), one of my favorite fantasy settings has been the desert. It’s a hostile landscape that can physically shift beneath your feet, while also hiding life-saving oases or lost cities or giant … Continue reading

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #8

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes delved to the bottom of the catacombs under Castle Dalca, battling the undead, completing bizarre angelic rituals, discovering pillaged tombs, and collecting powerful relics and weapons… Play time: 4 hours Heroes: Abridged Interlude From … Continue reading

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New fantasy novel: Wayward Magicians!

After a mere 18 months of projects, procrastinations, and pandemics, I have finished a new fantasy novel! Heavily inspired by the Dying Earth stories by Jack Vance, as well as Moorcock’s Elric, Lieber’s Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, Howard’s Conan, … Continue reading

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #7

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes befriended the were-bear / vampire hunter Rosette Vanator, met the young ranger Gavril, encountered a forest angel, found the lost Yakov Vanator, and entered the catacombs of Castle Dalca… Play time: 5 hours Heroes: … Continue reading

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #6

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes rescued the people of Cherat from a vampire festival, hid in a cottage in the woods, discovered the missing vampire hunter Rosette Vanator, and defeated the Viers family of were-boars. But there is still … Continue reading

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #5

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes went back to Rukesti to tell master vampire hunter Armand Vanator that they destroyed a village of vampires, gathered up some new clothes and armor, and then tried to spend the night in an … Continue reading

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The Stygian Library: One-Shot

Last night we played D&D! More specifically, I ran a one-shot using The Stygian Library by Emmy Allen, and we had a fantastic time exploring a bizarre space full of strange characters in search of a mysterious book! Play time: … Continue reading

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Fangs of Vulgoth: Session #4

The adventure continues! Last time, our heroes arrived at Grashta, met a vampire hunter, saw a vampire knight on a dragon, and then burned down a village full of vampire vintners! Which means now they need to figure out how much … Continue reading

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TTRPG Poll: What should an adventure cost?

So I have a couple quick questions for you. Obviously, we all love free stuff. But if you had to assign a fair price to a (good) adventure module (PDF download, not in print), what would it be?

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